Tuesday, January 26, 2010

random contemplations

I decided today would be washing day. Armed with the necessary items, I strolled to the washing point. For the discerning clothes washer, there are three locations to work from, namely in the toilet where 5/6 ventilation fans don't work, a trip down 6 stories (and back up again) to the washing machines or a steel sink with a view. Steel sink it is then. Wetting my clothes, I then sprinkled a goodish amount of soap powder (ATTACK! brand) before scrubbing away. I also took advantage of the view to admire the setting sun with two of Singapore's National Birds (Construction Cranes) still hard at work on the horizon, building yet another condominium unit not 6 inches away from my camp. Land is scarce in Singapore, yet we have maybe 5 golf courses here. The irony. A platoon of men march pass towards the admin block. OCTs, judging from the volume. Us men and SCTs can't be bothered to do more then the minimum, the norm.

Then a thought inserted itself in my mind; how are we going to defend this country of ours without grievous loss? An invading army can bombard us and we will lose by the sheer economic loss. And so my friend argued too, bravely, at the board of judges during her SAFOS (scholarship) interview, maybe one of the most prestigious in Singapore. Taking the initiative, the First strike was another possibility; as the old saying goes, 30 minutes after country M declares war, we'll be hundreds of KM inside her! But in this age of terrorism, how can you be assured of the first blow and a quick and swift victory?

I am been avoiding the obvious answer to this question, an answer drummed into me through the various educational institutions I attended. Mao, Stalin and Hitler would be jealous of what we have in the latest brainwashing techniques. Not fear, nor values or hate drives it, but money. Economic progress, everything else is sacrificed to this alter in the temple of Singapore. Hence why I link the economic downfall to be Singapore's defeat. But I digress.

We, we are the saviours of this land! But what poorer saviours there are, none can fathom. Our education system, vaunted for its high quality of graduates also has a track record of one faced, answer driven blanks rolling off the assembly line. Neither are we as physically strong as the previous generation, the privilege of motorised vehicles, escalators, elevators and other mechanical advantages. Our westernised and international outlook has backfired, resulting in a brain drain that has the Prime Minister appearing on print and on screen, begging for them to stay.

A lot to think about while doing the washing. In the end, I mused as I washed up, we are what we choose to be unless we choose to follow whatever circumstance "forces" us to do. It is up to us to change this state or to abandon it. Whatever happens, I am proud of Singapore and wish to serve and protect this nation of my loved ones and friends.

I hung my clothes to dry at the drying racks. They still felt a bit soapy.

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