Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Familiar faces in the gloom

It's a nice feeling to meet a friend while you're taking a walk in the mall.

But sometimes there's an awkward silence

You shuffle your feet,

Answer questions haltingly,

Toy with your handphone

and stammer out an obvious excuse, anything to escape.

And sometimes you walk all the way around the mall to escape an ex-lover, that irritating high school friend or a weird guy in your driving class you caught leering at you.

Target spotted, plotting avoidance route

Sneaking at the corridors hiding your size

Hiding in stores to bid your time

And the old "oh look, I have an sms and have to read it intently" dodge

But most of the time it's a pleasent surprise

You stop, smile, approach and talk

"How are you?"

"Wow, I like what you've done with your hair!"

"You've lost weight!"

"Congrats on the promotion!"

"You have a wonderful wife"

We go through life much too quickly with nary a second to spare.

So why not spend the time with an old friend when it is God's will to bring you together for that moment. Talk through that awkward moment and soothe the long ruffled feathers.

There might not be a next time for either of us.
