Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Quote of the day.

"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."

-Winston Churchill

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."

I can stand the ugliness of physical imperfection, but I cannot stand the ugliness of character flaws.

You have your plus points, but the negative outweighs the good.

So all the best in your future endeavors and

Good Bye.

The post that Jackie and Beatrice should read.

I operate in a world that doesn't care, in a country that gives up on itself, with people who don't bother to fight for themselves and with ideals that are unfulfilled.

And you come in.

You say the right things,
and walk the talk.

Your heart's in the right place,
and you gladly take the stripes for it.

You challenge others to live their dreams,
by living your own to the fullest.

You are not the best,
but you try your best.

You are in a position of not your own choosing,
but do the best with what you have.

You love your parents wholeheartedly,
even as they hurt you.

You cry, weep and wail today,
but tomorrow you stand up taller, stronger and firmer.

You fight for us,
and we fight for you.

I fight for you,
in order that the two of you, and others in the same position,
has a home.

Dedicated to Beatrice, Jackie and to everyone oppressed for their belief, ideal and passion.

Fight on you two,
I love you both.



The. Question. You. Should. Be. Asking. Yourself.

What am I fighting for?







I fight for for my passion and my ideal, which is to make the arts scene in Singapore of an international standard and a credible field of work. That we are not marginalized and put down, forever the one to be looked down upon.

I fight for myself, in order that I do not waste my time in this world in selfish pursuits that benefit me first and others second. And that I do not lose myself in this world to become just another worker, another gear in the cog. I am here not for myself, but in order that I may benefit others, even if only one.

I fight for my friends, those who are oppressed for their ideal but still bravely fight on. People like Jackie, Beatrice, Natalie and many more who have my respect and admiration for staring their troubles face on and dealing with it. They stumble and fall and cry, but pick themselves up, wipe their tears and press on. Young as they are, but they have the spirit and passion that would smother people twice their age. I count myself lucky to be their mentor.

And how I fight for all of them is by and through the Lord Jesus Christ, whom I love, trust and believe in. I have my doubts and insecurities, but I have an unshakable and irrational faith that there is a God and he loves all of us and that he is Jesus. I will carry his banner, to be his messenger and ambassador to the people. I will do my best to show the Lord's love through me in order that his kingdom be advanced and that false perceptions of him through others actions are shown to be a deception. It is from this foundation that I can do all things.

What are You fighting for?







