Wednesday, August 5, 2009

people; love

I fall in love with many people every single day.

On the train, in school, over the air, everywhere!

I love staring into their eyes and losing myself into the depths within.

Or at their legs; so slim, smooth and silky.

But what I like most about them is what’s deep inside.

Their humanity, their humility, their poise, composure, self confidence

and everything in between.

I get a nice fuzzy feeling when I encounter these people.

They make my day, my week, my year!

At least, until the next person comes along, restarting the process.



Monday, August 3, 2009


I enter my new class with trepidation.

Already they’re staring at me, sizing me up.

I set down my books perhaps too harshly. The wooden desk moans in protest

A girl starts giggles nervously before stopping abruptly.

My throat is dry, my shoulders stiff.

A manage a grin.

The staring continues.

I give a sigh and give up trying, before looking at my class timetable.

4 more weeks of this hell. I can do this!

I wonder… if my students feel the same as well?
