Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the laptop’s humming, stale coffee accompany a dying cigarette as the author works on; late nights

Soft music sung by long dead singers fill the air;

as the fan attempts valiantly to move the hot heavy air around.

The laptop’s humming, stale coffee accompany a dying cigarette as the author works on.

Outside the world’s asleep, reward for a long day of labour;

but the author struggles on for love, glory and monetary benefits.

The deadline’s ticking, the clock that never stops;

tick tick tock tock goes the seconds, followed by minutes and hours.

A early rise is in order tomorrow;

Jeez, is it already 3am?

3 hours for a period of rest, Nirvana before the rush starts again;

already it feels too short.

The bed beckons, singing it’s siren call;

calling out to this ship to wreck itself on it’s shores.

Eyes drooping, closes and forced open again;

10 minutes, an hour, 30 seconds more…..


Late nights.

-Dedicated to all fellow owls of the night.

