Saturday, January 24, 2009

A new beginning

Is what you say when you start a new day, bright and early and raring to go.

It wanes as you see the mountain of junk you have to clear.

It tends to zero (very close to, but not just yet) as you see and hear the whole closet shaking with cockroaches as you approach.

It increases as you charge in with your battle roar, two cans of bug spray and a very loose trigger finger.

It wanes again as you clear out the items inside liberally laced with cockroach dung and empty egg casings with your bare hands.

It soars as you find a rare item in working condition, bug dung or not.

It dips as you see the mountain of rubbish that you have cleared but now have to sort and pack, ready for disposal.

It rises as you look back at 20 heaping bags of trash with a sense of achievement.

It gets hard when you think of the work tomorrow, the week after and the month ahead.

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