Monday, December 1, 2008

A letter to my blog.

Hello there, you silly collection of bytes.

I guess this is the first time you've been gathered in this fashion to form this words and shape. I hope you're not expecting too much because this is an experiment and like all experiments, they tend to run out of time and passion. But you should prove to be useful, if only as a notebook of sorts.

I hope you're not expecting too much from me; I'm an engineer and you know how engineers are, as poetic as a rock. I do have my moments, and have the help of my friends, but you'll probably have to live with some embarassing scribbles of mine now and then. I hope you can take it in your stride.

I, like you, like to keep things quiet and simple. But now and then, rampaging girls and boys might rummage around your files and post witty comments. Their blogs might be a bit too much for you to handle right now, but I hope you make friends with them as well instead of hiding in your corner of the internet.

I'll try my best to keep you updated on the news on my side of the world, though you would already know about it, given that you have CNN, BBC and even the ST if you so fancy at your fingertips. Don't come correcting me on the news now, but helping out with the spelling of words will be welcomed.

Right, lets see how it goes. I do hope it turns out well, for both our sakes.

Especially yours.

Yours sincerely,

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