Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A look back at 3 years of life in Singapore Polytechnic.


The End.

It's sad when you've stayed three years in an educational institution and have nothing much to speak for when you leave, save for random digits and figures. Sure I made friends and had some good experiences there, but placed against the big backdrop of things, it's insignificant.

To be fair, I never did get into the culture there. My mind was always somewhere else and I was always rushing here and there but never to school. Never was an active member of the CCA group I joined in SP, but actively supported my ex-secondary school drama and NCC unit. Singapore Polytechnic remained just an educational institution to me, all books and figures and no fun at all.

But looking back at all the myrid of activities I had, I don't miss the experience at all. My passion and joy lies outside the gates. When I walk out of the school with my head held high and my diploma in hand, I won't look back and regret, but press on to higher and better things.



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